Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Philosophy of Liberty

The Philosophy of Liberty (PoL) is a flash animation based of what is now the epilogue of Ken Schoolland's book, "The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible." It began in 1992 as a Russian translation of the book was being published. The publisher Dmitry Costygin informed Ken that few people in Russia even knew what 'property' or 'taxes' were, and Ken responded by writing an introduction that described the philosophy of his book. It became so popular that it now appears as the epilogue in every language edition (40+ and counting), and it inspired Kerry Pearson (aka Lux Lucre) to create a flash animation.

By 2005, the animation had reached thousands online, including myself. With the advent of online video sharing sites, it seemed a video version would be an ideal way to reach people that might not otherwise find the flash version online. Sofar, tens of thousands have viewed the video version and now to make the PoL even more accessible, all 14 languages have been converted to various video formats.

If you like The PoL, please share it with others. Make a DVD and play it for friends and family, submit it to video streaming sites, or share it any other way you can think of!

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