Thursday, March 20, 2014

50 Things that makes you HAPPY

1. Clothes fresh out of the dryer.
2. Singing

3. Breaking perforated seals on just about anything.
4. Peeling a clementine in one peel.
5. A perfectly popped bag of popcorn.
6. A good hair day.

7. Getting off work while it's still light outside.
8. Jeggings.
9. Waking up a minute before your alarm goes off, so you aren't jolted out of bed.
10. Receiving mail that isn't a bill.
11. Birds chirping for the first time since Winter.
12. Interpretive dancing when nobody is watching.
13. Clicking Unsubscribe.

14. Waking up early and realizing you have hours to sleep.
15. When the Starbucks barista spells your name right.
16. Finding money in your pocket that you forgot about.
17. A bath.

18. The elevator arriving the second you push the button.
19. Paying for a small drink, but getting a large.
20. Listening to a favorite song on repeat.
21. Having just enough milk for a bowl of cereal.
22. Getting to the subway platform, just as the train arrives.
23. A box of Corgi puppies.
24. When you turn on the TV and your favorite movie is just starting.
25. Being outside when the weather is just right.
26. Cell service in the subway.
27. The smell of rain on pavement.
28. Puppies in the park.

29. Getting retweets.
30. Cute sweaters.
31. Taking the first sip of your favorite drink.
32. Whenever Peanuts characters dance.
33. When you get the last of your favorite bagel at the bakery.
34. The perfect shave.
35. Clean laundry.
36. Popping bubble wrap.

37. Raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens.
38. Trolling.

39. The perfect beer pour.
40. When you find the missing match to your favorite socks.
41. New razors.
42. Coffee arriving at the perfect drinking temperature.
43. Sleeping in clean fresh sheets.
44. Knowing all the words to a song on the radio.
45. Sandwiches.
46. Taking off your shoes when you get home
47. That first day in spring where you don't have to wear a jacket.
48. Waking up on a rainy day and realizing you have no responsibilities.
49. 100% charge on your phone.

50. The first beach day of the season.

Source: Mashable
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