Monday, September 30, 2013

Baking Soda for Acid Reflux

Baking soda for acid reflux – As one of the most popular natural remedies for acid reflux, baking soda is indeed used by many people and proved to be work. Even so, many people are still thinking that using baking soda as a remedy for acid reflux is out of question as it is very uncommon. Well actually, using baking soda for acid reflux has clinically proven to cure it, and at the same time safe for human’s body.

Baking Soda For Acid Reflux Is Not Dangerous

The real reason behind the effective baking soda for acid reflux is it able to neutralize acid in stomach that causes heartburn
and acid reflux.  And as we all know, although most of acid reflux is not dangerous, but it is very uncomfortable.  For you who want to know how exactly the baking soda for acid reflux work, here is the slight explanation: the sodium bicarbonate on baking soda goes into the stomach, then regulates the flow of acid and neutralizes it at the same time.

Moreover, baking soda for acid reflux is considered as the easiest remedy you can find for acid reflux because it is commonly available on most kitchen. But although it is easy to get the baking soda for acid reflux and it is already proved to be work to solve the acid reflux problem, there is still a rule and measurements on using the baking soda. If you use it too much, then your body will be in a trouble and the next thing you remember is the face of your doctor. So, in order to get the maximum function of baking soda, you only need about a half of teaspoon of baking soda with 1-3 ounces of water.

After you got the right measurements, mix it around and swallow it. The baking soda for acid reflux will take for several minutes to take effects. But if after a couple minutes and there is no sign of your acid reflux symptoms getting better, don’t take another baking soda! Just go to doctor immediately or try other natural remedies such as fruits.

The most common sign of the baking soda for acid reflux work perfectly is belching, which means that the gas inside your stomach being release and the acid finally neutralized and you can continue on whatever you are doing without feeling the uncomfortable and pain of acid reflux anymore.

Other warning to use baking soda for acid reflux is you must use it as temporary remedy. If your acid reflux comes back and causes more pain than before, it is better to see the doctor immediately.
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