Acid reflux, a condition also known as gastroesophogeal reflux disease or GERD, occurs when food or bile flows out of the stomach and back into your throat. Symptoms can include heartburn, nausea and problems swallowing. Your doctor might recommend lifestyle changes or medications to help control acid reflux, but also talk with your doctor if you want to try natural methods, since herbal supplements such as ginger might have an effect on your condition.
The root of the zingiber plant is called ginger. Many people use ginger as a flavorful part of recipes, but ginger also might have a number of health benefits. Components of ginger might offer some relief for nausea and inflammation, as well as aid in the digestion process. Although ginger does not have any known direct effect in treating or preventing acid reflux, ginger might help
reduce the amount of stomach acid produced, reports In theory, this might help reduce the amount of bile that could flow into your throat. Ginger might not have an effect on food regurgitation.
If you use ginger supplements, you might experience stomach upset, burping and heartburn. Ginger allergies can result in a rash, nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing. Ginger also might affect the clotting factor of your blood. If you have a blood condition or take blood-thinning medication, your doctor might not recommend ginger supplements, since ginger use could result in bleeding complications. Contact your doctor immediately if have notice any unusual symptoms.
Diet changes might help you avoid acid reflux. Limit or eliminate trigger foods such as spicy foods, fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate and acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Beverages such as carbonated drinks and alcohol also might contribute to acid reflux. You might have other trigger foods and your doctor might suggest avoiding these products.
Other lifestyle changes might include wearing loose-fitting clothing, quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy weight. You also should avoid reclining after a meal. If your symptoms continue, your doctor might recommend an over-the-counter or prescription medication that will help reduce associated symptoms.
You should not begin using ginger supplements without consulting your doctor. She can help you evaluated your condition as well as your overall health to determine if ginger supplements could offer the best method to control acid reflux. If your doctor agrees that ginger might benefit you, she will tell you how much ginger to use each day.