Thursday, July 12, 2012

FREE online learning (With Certificate)

Would you like to study online for FREE?

ALISON* is the world's leading free online learning resource for basic and essential workplace skills. ALISON provides high-quality, engaging, interactive multimedia courseware for certification and standards-based learning.

The mission of ALISON is to enable anyone, anywhere, to educate themselves for free via interactive, self-paced multimedia. It is our belief that through ALISON, the cost of access to high-quality education can be removed.

Through the ALISON learning platform we can assist people around the world in educating themselves, thereby creating a more equitable and sustainable global society.

We believe that all certifiable or standards-based learning for every subject can be made available for free online. We also believe that Article 26 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states "Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free..." will, through ALISON, become a reality.

* ALISON stands for "Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online".

How it works

  • Advertising is displayed throughout the website. When a learner clicks on an advertisement, ALISON earns revenue. That revenue is then shared with content publishers and used to invest in new 'free to the learner' offerings.

  • Nominal fees are charged for the use of ALISON Manager, the service which allows for the creation and monitoring of learner groups.

  • Much of our available learning is sponsored by partner organisations who wish to see learning on a particular subject freely available. Other content is provided by owners and developers of learning content who provide it at no charge and are seeking no monetary return. Others publishers earn a split on the revenue we generate through the display of their content. 

  • Recent developments in learning, education, and internet technology make the ALISON free-learning service possible. Such a service is a very powerful new force for change in global education.

ALISON provides high-quality, interactive, certified and standards-based learning free to the individual learner.

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