Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Judge Rules Galaxy Tab “Not as Cool” as iPad, Legally Speaking

Samsung mustn't know whether to celebrate or not. A UK judge has ruled that the Galaxy Tab doesn't infringe Apple's registered design, in large part because it's "not as cool" as the iPad. Ouch.

Speaking in court this morning, Bloomberg reports, Judge Colin Birss explained that the Galaxy tablets "do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design... They are not as cool."

As a result, Biriss has judged that consumers are unlikely to confuse the two tablets, meaning that Samsung's product doesn't infringe Apple's registered design. Intriguingly, he explained that the Galaxy Tab had "unusual details" on the back which set it apart as different to the iPad.

Apple has 21 days to appeal against the ruling which, knowing its track record, it probably will. Meanwhile, Samsung is no doubt trying to work out whether to be happy or not. [Bloomberg]
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